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Section 1

  • (S1) 1. Does your organization have a clearly defined internationalization strategy with aims and targets? : 4
  • (S1) 2. Does your organisation have long-term agreements (over 3 years) with other similar organisations abroad? : 4
  • (S1) 3. Has your organisation established partnership agreements or campuses to deliver training abroad? : 3
  • (S1) 4. Does your organisation have dedicated resources to promote internationalisation activities? : 3
  • (S1) 5. How important is the partnership with local companies in your internationalisation strategy? : 4

Section 2

  • (S2) 1. Which percentage of your organisation’s expenditures is directed to international learners/projects/services? : 3
  • (S2) 2. Which percentage of the total staff working time is actually employed in international courses/projects/services? : 4
  • (S2) 3. Does your organisation recruit teachers and staff with an international background as part of its internationalisation strategy? : 2
  • (S2) 4. What is the percentage of teachers and staff of your institution that has a strong international background?strategy? : 4
  • (S2) 5. Does your organisation offer courses related to internationalisation (e.g. languages, intercultural communication, virtual mobility etc.) to its staff? : 1

Section 3

  • (S3) 1. Is your organisation providing courses in English or other foreign languages to attract learners to the campus? : 3
  • (S3) 2. Is your organisation providing opportunities for international mobility and credit recognition to your learners? : 4
  • (S3) 3. Is your organisation offering study programmes within international partnership? : 1
  • (S3) 4. Is your organisation offering learners’ internships in companies/organisations abroad or other international companies in the local environment? : 3
  • (S3) 5. Is your organisation currently a partner in EU projects (ERASMUS+, but also other programmes)? : 2
  • (S3) 6. Is your organisation currently coordinating EU projects (ERASMUS+, but also other programmes)? : 3
  • (S3) 7. Is your organisation supporting staff and teachers training/mobility abroad? : 4
  • (S3) 8. Does your organisation require learners to take learning modules on the international, intercultural and/or global dimension of learning and working? : 3
  • (S3) 9. Does your organisation provide or give access to online courses in a foreign language open to international learners? : 3
  • (S3) 10. Does your organisation collaborate with other organisations abroad in fields different from teaching, e.g. research, innovation, labour market monitoring, etc.? : 1
  • (S3) 11. Does your organisation offer guidance and counselling on international study and work opportunities abroad? : 3
  • (S3) 12. Does your organisation offer local language courses and other assistance (accommodation, services, practical arrangements etc.) to facilitate foreign learners and teachers? : 4
  • (S3) 13. Does your organisation have a clear selection procedure for mobility candidates? : 1

Section 4

  • (S4) 1. What percentage of your current learners has taken part in international study programmes or mobility (physical, virtual or hybrid) programmes in the last two years? : 4
  • (S4) 2. What percentage of your teaching and staff has taken part in international study programmes or mobility projects in the last two years? : 1
  • (S4) 3. What is the percentage of learners from different national and cultural backgrounds in your organisations? : 3
  • (S4) 4. What is the percentage of staff from different national and cultural backgrounds in your organisation? : 2
  • (S4) 5. Does your organisation have a system to recognise competences achieved abroad (ECVET, ECTS, or others)? : 3
  • (S4) 6. What percentage of internship and other work-based programmes has your organisation run with foreign companies/organisations abroad in the last two academic/training years? : 1
  • (S4) 7. What is the dynamic of your international activities as a whole, when compared to the previous year? : 4

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