All posts by admin

EUSRexcel Announces its Final Results

The EUSRexcel project is an initiative that creates and identifies a homogeneous framework of criteria and indicators of Social Responsibility in the field of Higher Education Institutions. Through research and training, this project raises awareness among University managers and staff to institutionalize University Social Responsibility (USR) and its formal presence in the quality rankings. This project was conceived after identifying the need of a common framework that measures and certifies the Social Responsibility in the academic sector, specifically within Universities in order to meet the EC agenda on Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive growth which includes social responsibility.

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Media & Learning 2013, 12-13 December 2013

Media & Learning 2013 ( will take place on 12-13 December 2013 in Brussels, within the Flemish Ministry of Education HQ.

Media & Learning 2013 is the place to be if you are interested in the latest developments,  services and uses of media in education and training. Aimed at both policy makers and practitioners, the purpose of this annual event is to identify policies and initiatives that promote digital and media competence at all levels of education and training as well as to promote best-practice in the take-up and application of media in education and training.